Sunday, February 3, 2013

WAW : Wine Around the World's GOD !!! WHO ??

Hi wine lovers, How are you ?
Today we are taking about an american pionneer Legend ! 

You know who I mean ?

A Nappa Valley WineMaker !

You still do not see who I mean ?

And if I say you Opus One or Woodbridge !!

YES The Robert "the Legend" MONDAVI creator of Premium Californian wines !!

IT'S OUR GOD AT WAW (Wine Around the World) For IT lovers it's STEVE JOBS but in the wine industry it's Mondavi !!

Robert Mondavi was a leading California vineyard operator whose technical improvements and marketing strategies brought worldwide recognition for the wines of the Napa Valley in California. From an early period, Mondavi aggressively promoted labeling wines varietally rather than generically. This is now the standard for New World wines

He have designed the Modern Wine Industry !!

Robert Mondavi

Mondavi Tribute Video

How To seduce a Woman ? Lesson 1